Kunci Gitar Yellow by Coldplay Capo Fret 4 Chord G


Kunci Gitar Yellow by Coldplay Capo Fret 4 Chord G

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Kunci Gitar Yellow by Coldplay Capo Fret 4 Chord G (pixabay)
Kunci Gitar Yellow by Coldplay Capo Fret 4 Chord G (pixabay)

DI wrote a song for you

CAnd all the things you do,

And it was called "Yellow."G D

So then I took my turn, C

Oh what a thing to have done, G

And it was all yellow.

[Chorus 1]C

Your skin,Em D

Oh yeah, your skin and bonesC Em D

Turn into something beautiful,C Em D C

Editor : Saridal Maijar
Sumber : 93917

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